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Who is this registration for?
Please provide a name and email address for a parent or guardian, they will need to sign off for you.
Parent/guardian first name:
Parent/guardian email:
I desire to participate in the Creek Stomps at Grand Junction Plaza (the “CS”) being held on Thursdays from June 5, 2025 - July 31, 2025. As a condition to doing so, I agree to the following:
1. I am over the age of 18. [If not 18, parent or guardian signature required below.] I am familiar with WWM and the risks associated with participation in this activity and am willing to assume the risk of participating in CS.
2. I understand that CS is a weekly community program held on the grounds of the Grand Junction Plaza.
3. For myself and for my heirs, executors, administrators and any other person who might have a claim by or on my behalf, I hereby waive and forever release and discharge the City of Westfield and its elected officials, employees, staff and representatives, and each of them, of and from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, damages or causes of action of any kind which I or such other persons might have arising out of or in connection with my participation in CS, including any personal property damage or personal injury of any kind which may be sustained or occur during my participation in the event, whether or not such injuries, property damage, or loss is caused by, is connected to, or arises out of any acts or omissions or the negligence of City of Westfield or any of its elected officials, employees, staff, or representatives.
4. I further agree to indemnify the City of Westfield and each of such other persons, and to hold each of them harmless, from any claim by any other person or entity, which might be asserted against them due to any of my actions or omissions in connection with my participation in the CS.
I desire to participate in the Creek Stomps at Grand Junction Plaza (the “CS”) being held on Thursdays from June 5, 2025 - July 31, 2025. As a condition to doing so, I agree to the following:
1. I am over the age of 18. [If not 18, parent or guardian signature required below.] I am familiar with WWM and the risks associated with participation in this activity and am willing to assume the risk of participating in CS.
2. I understand that CS is a weekly community program held on the grounds of the Grand Junction Plaza.
3. For myself and for my heirs, executors, administrators and any other person who might have a claim by or on my behalf, I hereby waive and forever release and discharge the City of Westfield and its elected officials, employees, staff and representatives, and each of them, of and from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, damages or causes of action of any kind which I or such other persons might have arising out of or in connection with my participation in CS, including any personal property damage or personal injury of any kind which may be sustained or occur during my participation in the event, whether or not such injuries, property damage, or loss is caused by, is connected to, or arises out of any acts or omissions or the negligence of City of Westfield or any of its elected officials, employees, staff, or representatives.
4. I further agree to indemnify the City of Westfield and each of such other persons, and to hold each of them harmless, from any claim by any other person or entity, which might be asserted against them due to any of my actions or omissions in connection with my participation in the CS.
Check here to show you accept the terms stated above for yourself or for a minor volunteer for which you are a parental guardian.
I desire to participate in the Creek Stomps at Grand Junction Plaza (the “CS”) being held on Thursdays from June 5, 2025 - July 31, 2025. As a condition to doing so, I agree to the following:
1. I am over the age of 18. [If not 18, parent or guardian signature required below.] I am familiar with WWM and the risks associated with participation in this activity and am willing to assume the risk of participating in CS.
2. I understand that CS is a weekly community program held on the grounds of the Grand Junction Plaza.
3. For myself and for my heirs, executors, administrators and any other person who might have a claim by or on my behalf, I hereby waive and forever release and discharge the City of Westfield and its elected officials, employees, staff and representatives, and each of them, of and from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, damages or causes of action of any kind which I or such other persons might have arising out of or in connection with my participation in CS, including any personal property damage or personal injury of any kind which may be sustained or occur during my participation in the event, whether or not such injuries, property damage, or loss is caused by, is connected to, or arises out of any acts or omissions or the negligence of City of Westfield or any of its elected officials, employees, staff, or representatives.
4. I further agree to indemnify the City of Westfield and each of such other persons, and to hold each of them harmless, from any claim by any other person or entity, which might be asserted against them due to any of my actions or omissions in connection with my participation in the CS.