The City of Westfield’s Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting our Green Day event at Grand Junction Plaza. This free family event combines the celebrations of Earth and Arbor Day observances. 

How To Get Here

Limited parking may be found near and around the park. Shuttle service will be provided from the Park Street parking lot (327 Park Street) to Grand Junction Plaza. This is the new parking lot on the east side of Westfield Boulevard/Poplar Street.

How It Works

  • Activities will include local organizations and vendors sharing tips and techniques that highlight green practices and initiatives to practice at home and around the community. 
  • Topics will include soils, trees, water, invasive species and more!
  • The City of Westfield will be giving away free native tree saplings, while supplies last, courtesy of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
  • The Westfield High School’s National Honor Society and Environmental Club will be facilitating a take-home solar oven for cooking marshmallows and a really fun UV pony bead bracelet activity.

For more event information, please clickHERE.

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Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Birthdate *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone *

For example, 123-456-7890
What shirt size do you wear? *


Who is this registration for?

I desire to participate in Green Day (the “GD”) being held April 26, 2025. As a condition to doing so, I agree to the following:

1. I am over the age of 18. [If not 18, parent or guardian signature required below.] I am familiar with GD and the risks associated with participation in this activity and am willing to assume the risk of participating in GD.
2. I understand that GD is a Arbor Day and Earth Day themed event held on the grounds of the Grand Junction Plaza.
3. For myself and for my heirs, executors, administrators and any other person who might have a claim by or on my behalf, I hereby waive and forever release and discharge the City of Westfield and its elected officials, employees, staff and representatives, and each of them, of and from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, damages or causes of action of any kind which I or such other persons might have arising out of or in connection with my participation in GD, including any personal property damage or personal injury of any kind which may be sustained or occur during my participation in the event, whether or not such injuries, property damage, or loss is caused by, is connected to, or arises out of any acts or omissions or the negligence of City of Westfield or any of its elected officials, employees, staff, or representatives.
4. I further agree to indemnify the City of Westfield and each of such other persons, and to hold each of them harmless, from any claim by any other person or entity, which might be asserted against them due to any of my actions or omissions in connection with my participation in the GD.